Carnival-Laissez les bon temps rouler

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The only thing you truly own is your own mind, body, and soul. So as you go through these 8 to 10 short decades don't hold back cause its your decades!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Being Human

I am most happy when I see other people smiling. It doesn't matter what makes them smile I just like to see them happy from the inside out.
I just got back from NYC Pride and something has solidified in me. The idea that we are all connected to an extent and can look at each other smiling and appreciate it.
I watched a lot of people this weekend and all I could wonder was what is their perception. When they look through their eyes what do they do they perceive the song we are both listening too, what do my lips feel like to them, how does the food taste to them, do they like their drink, how "high" do they actually feel, are they having fun, are they nervous?
Being Human is we all want each other? Its odd that people I have met in public that showed what I thought to be no interest will be the first to hit me up on Grindr or a social networking site and ask me I wonder if I intimidate people in public. Its certainly not my fact I get intimidated by people most of the time and are afraid to approach them. But if we are all feeling the same way someone has to make the first move right?
So I started doing something new...if I see someone I want to talk (not necessarily for a hookup-just to meet)I just take a deep breath, smile and would be surprised how that lowers the other persons guard and makes the feel you are friendly.
And I think thats what it all boils down too....I think as a people we inherently like a friendly, fun, person and when the fear of rudeness/rejection is taken away-another plane of connection is reached and albeit sometimes short a bond is made.
And that is beautiful...and with that attitude you can make being human a joy and spread smiles to others. I am coming down from a weekend of utopian experiences and adjusting back to everyday life but I am so happy for each life I get to share a part in. I just have to keep reminding myself that we all have sensory perceptions and experience them differently-we are complicated and full of emotion and motives.
All the Best,


  1. You should remember when you're beautiful and charming, despite any inferiority you feel inside, you will be greeted gratefully after your deep breath, smile, and wave. I believe you'd be kind to anyone who approached you, but you're not that norm. Rejection. being mean, and judgement are very real and even realer in gay communities. It's hard to make gay male friends. The first contact always has s stank of a come one even if its not. Maybe I should carry some nabs in my pocket and offer them up rather than a wave and a smile since I don't have your looks and charm. Love me some nabs.

  2. I love that you know what Nabs are!
